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Costco Study

Effectiveness of Bluezone® Model 2400 in a Costco warehouse meat room and deli room


Bluezone reduced microbial load in the meat and deli rooms by as much as 94%. 


Test the effectiveness of Bluezone in a Costco warehouse meat room and deli prep room.

Methods and Materials

  • Bluezone Model 2400 installed in the meat room and Bluezone Model 2400 installed in the deli room.
  • Testing conducted for 1 month prior to Bluezone installation and for 1 month after Bluezone installation.
  • Drop plates were spread around both rooms 4 separate days before installation and 4 separate days after installation.


Bluezone reduced bacteria and mold counts in both rooms over the 2 month test. 


Bluezone keeps Costco’s facility cleaner and improves working conditions by continuously killing bacteria and mold. Odors, specifically in the deli room, were greatly reduced according to Costco employees.