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Cantaloupe Study

Full-Scale, Mixed Load Container Testing with Air Cleaned by Bluezone® Model 2400


In a three week test, Bluezone reduced stem mold by 28%, surface mold by 55%, and decay by 37% in cantaloupes.


To determine the effectiveness of Bluezone Fresh Preservation Technology to reduce cantaloupe losses in a mixed FF&V container.

Methods and Materials

We conducted a side-by-side test of a mixed produce load over a 3-week storage period, to measure produce quality and the shelf life extension achieved with Bluezone Fresh Preservation Technology.


  • Two, 8’X8’X20’ Refrigerated Containers, each set to 34°F with ventilation sufficient to maintain CO2 below 1%.
  • Mixed produce load of ethylene sensitive and ethylene producing FF&V.
  • Temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and ethylene measurements taken at regular intervals.
  • One container with Bluezone, second container without Bluezone.


  • 21 Days of Refrigerated Storage
  • 5-10 Additional days of ambient temp storage for specified FF&V


The Bluezone Model 2400 maintained ethylene concentration in the mixed load container at 0.6ppm throughout the 21-day test. Uncontrolled ethylene concentration was 10ppm.

This dramatic reduction in ethylene concentration had a significant impact on the quality of ethylene sensitive produce, such as cantaloupe.


Test Results for Cantaloupe

Storing cantaloupe in a mixed load environment with Bluezone operating to clean the air of ethylene significantly decreased cantaloupe losses. Bluezone reduced stem mold by 28%, surface mold by 55% and decay by 37% compared to the container without Bluezone.


Use of Bluezone Fresh Preservation Technology in mixed produce storage significantly reduced surface mold, stem mold and decay in cantaloupe.