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Effectiveness of Bluezone® Model 300 on board the COSCO JUDA


Bluezone extended the shelf life of FF&V on board the COSCO JUDA during three separate test periods.



Test the effectiveness of Bluezone on a COSCO ship walk-in cooler.

Methods and Materials

  • Bluezone Model 300 installed in a FF&V walk-in cooler for 3 months
  • 2,300 cubic foot walk-in cooler
  • Testing conducted during three different periods


Test Period 1: Pears, cucumbers and lettuce stored in the walk-in WITH Bluezone for 21 days. After 21 days of storage, all FF&V was in good condition.

Test Period 2: Strawberries stored in the walk-in WITHOUT Bluezone. By day 5, all strawberries were disposed because of mold.

Test Period 3: Strawberries, grapes, cantaloupe, lettuce and cherry tomatoes stored in the walk-in WITH Bluezone for 27 days. After 27 days of storage, cherry tomatoes and cantaloupe showed no signs of decay. Strawberries experienced an extended shelf life of 10 additional days compared to test period 2. Lettuce experienced an extended shelf life of 6 additional days compared to normal conditions noted by the captain.


Despite humid and salty air conditions on the COSCO JUDA, Bluezone drastically improved quality and extended shelf life of FF&V. According to the ship captain, Bluezone Model 300 proved it’s effectiveness in extending shelf life of FF&V.