Discovery Village Child Care Center (DVCC)
Child Care Center

Discovery Village Child Care Center is equipped with Bluezone Model 450 air cleaners in every room in their facility

Existing facilities can easily install Bluezone air cleaners into suspended ceilings

Parents can feel safe dropping their children off at DVCC knowing the air is being continuously cleaned with Bluezone UV-C technology

Bluezone air cleaners are part of DVCC’s virus mitigation strategy intended to reduce the risk of airborne viral transmission at the facility

DVCC staff feel confident at work knowing that Bluezone air cleaning technology has been shown to kill 99.9995% of viruses

A glowing Bluezone logo signals to staff, parents, and children that the unit is working properly and circulating purified air into the room

A glowing Bluezone logo signals to room occupants that the air is being continuously cleaned of viruses and bacteria with germicidal UV-C light

DVCC parents and staff can feel safe knowing Bluezone air cleaners are installed throughout DVCC’s entire facility and are continuously cleaning the air

Bluezone air cleaners provide virus mitigation at DVCC where children who are too young to be vaccinated attend daycare