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Food is being wasted at every level of the supply chain

Food is being wasted at every level of the supply chain

It’s hard to believe that, in a country where 40 million people face hunger every day, so much food could go uneaten. Yet, this is precisely what is happening – and we’re all partially to blame. Perfectly good food is being wasted at every level of the supply chain:...

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Viking Partnership

Viking Partnership

We are proud to expand our successful partnership with Viking Range and continue helping them deliver freshness and quality to their customers. “Bluezone delivers the Viking food preservation promise of freshness and flavor.  Our customers love the extended produce...

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Apple Study

Apple Study

Apple Study Field Test of Apple Storage with Bluezone® Fresh Preservation Technology Summary In a three month field test, a storage room with Bluezone doubled the marketable apples compared to a storage room without.   Objective Compare the ethylene concentration...

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Asparagus Study

Asparagus Study

Asparagus Study Full-Scale, Mixed Load Container Testing with Air Cleaned by Bluezone® Model 2400 Summary After a 21 day test, Bluezone reduced red tip by 43%, tip rot by 47%, curved spear by 35%, and shrinkage by 76% in asparagus. Objective To determine the...

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